If you want to move all your photos, or only those of a particular type, to a single folder, first set it up by creating and naming the new folder.However, you can reopen the criteria window by clicking the gear icon and choosing Show Search Criteria. After you choose Save, the criteria will disappear from your screen, and you’ll only see the Smart Folder you just created. Remember to name it so that you’ll always know what it’s for – pick a name like Pictures Search or something similar. Click Save in the upper right corner to save the criteria for future searches.Do this for every picture format you can think of or for those stored on your Mac. Keep the Kind and Image options, but change the format. At the end of that line, click the Plus button and add another set of criteria.From it, select Kind, Image, and a picture format like JPEG or PNG.
Click on it to add the criteria for the search.